Plugging In

December 15, 2008 at 2:23 am 1 comment

I added the following three plug-ins to this blog:

Quotes Collection. .

You will see a randomly displayed quotation on the sidebar of the blog. After installing the plug-in, I can enter favorite quotations into a form. Then a randomly selected quotation is displayed whenever you open the blog. You can also click “next quote” to see a new quotation. So far I have entered seven different quotations and will add more as time permits. Please enjoy the “Thought for the Day”!

Daily Dilbert. .

I also added the “Daily Dilbert” comic as the second item in the sidebar. It displays a graphic and a link where you can view today’s current Dilbert comic strip. It was fairly easy to install. With this and the other plug-ins, I noticed that the installation instructions are not up-to-date with the current WordPress interface. So, for example, when instructed to go to the “Presentation” section of the Dashboard, I had to figure out that it is now named the “Design” section.

On this and the Random Quote widget, I customized them by replacing the default title with my own title.

    As an aside, while I sometimes think Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams is losing his edge and getting too far out from reality, the strip for October 5, 2008 is. so. true.

About Me

Lastly, I added the About Me widget. It is the third item in the sidebar. That seemed useful to to give a face to the blogger. I had a problem with this widget in that the instructions show an editing screen with features to format the text and add images and links. All I got was a plain text entry field. I will leave it that way for now and investigate further if time permits.

Now that I have done this three times, I feel fairly confident with the process of adding plug-ins. The first time was scary, but it became easier with each practice. I actually feel comfortable with FileZilla and PuTTY. Now I just have to learn the intricacies of the various plug-ins I may wish to add.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Styling Gimme Access

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. GrefTek  |  December 15, 2008 at 11:50 am

    It’s good of you to point out the fact my installation instructions are outdated. I will update them.

    Usually, I only check for breaking functionality after a new release, so I don’t tend to think about such details. 😉


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